Eye Openers

Apostles of the Absurd
 Steve Crosby came to know the Gospel and the Savior among America’s Charismatics. He calls them “his Tribe”. His life was changed, but as he became more mobile among them, and knowledgeable, more and more of the goings-on and the things proclaimed, began to shake him to the core.
What he found was what Proverbs 19:3 describes: “The foolishness of a man twists his way, and his heart frets against the Lord”.
This article of his is a true heart-cry and should be an eye-opener for many who still have sincere hopes of revival through Charismaticism.
Zealous, but Misled
Attracted by the enthusiasm he found in the “Local Church Movement” of Witness Lee, Arthur was soon ‘enthusiastic’ himself, memorizing Scripture and witnessing. He was promoted to a leader’s position, but… not all was well. It seemed alarm bells were ringing in his mind, yet he wasn’t supposed to use his mind… So Arthur carried on, putting everything into it. Then, at last, as someone, at another place, read from Romans 5, his eyes were opened, and the die was cast: “… we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God”.
Liberated by God’s Grace,  Arthur began a new life, following HIM – according to HIS WORD -, not any longer through the dictates of the “Recovery Bible Notes” and Lee’s lectures…
Spotlight on Sisters
 Don’t try to get into a house if you haven’t got the right keys – your faulty keys won’t work! We’re talking about the ‘house’ of Christian-women-in-spiritual-ministry. This short article, in seven concise points, discovers the two master-keys and then opens up the whole subject. Much of conventional thinking on the subject is shown to be faulty and without a scriptural basis. This has often led to great hindrance in the Master’s building. As always, it is a question of “letting go” and “letting God”. Conventional thinking, if not truly springing from God’s Word must be ‘let go’ – such is the message of the Cross. After that, ‘let God’ – the message of the Resurrection! Incidentally, this includes the first person in history, commissioned to go and tell forth the news that HE is risen!

Nebuchadnezzar – and his King sized EGO

 In just three chapters of Daniel’s book, the amazing story of the world’s greatest strategist and empire builder is laid out before us. At long last, his EGO imploded and the ‘king-of-kings’ surrendered to the greater King of kings. Don’t miss it!
 Four Hebrew eunuchs knew “one amazing secret”. That secret gave them the winning edge under the most mind-blowing and blood-curdling threats… Find out their secret for yourself!

The Lord’s Day

 One of the Messianic psalms, Psalm 118:22-24, prophesies concerning Messiah’s death and resurrection! In these verses, God declares the Day of Resurrection to be the “Day Made by Him”, in other words a “New Creation”. That Day was destined to be the “Day of days” – forever -, the source of, and motive for, great joy and gladness.
When Messiah died, the “Last Adam” died. When Messiah rose victoriously, the “Second Man” was born (see Paul’s references to this in 1st Corinthians 15). While the Roman world would continue to worship the ‘sun’ on the first day of the week, calling it “SUNday”, for the Redeemed, it would be the “Lord’s Day” from now on. Don’t miss the telling diagram of “All Time” right at the end.

Apostasy –

Christians Fallen Away? Or… Christians Taken Away?

 In many Bible versions, 2nd Thessalonians 2:3 has the word “apostasy”. The verse is a marvelous verse, yet most readers never catch on. What really is the apostle writing about? “Apostasy” (a Greek word) means “falling away from the faith”, right? But what if that particular meaning of “falling away” is an ‘acquired meaning’, and not really what Paul was wanting to express?
Let the Lord open your eyes to the real meaning, to the original one! It will be a major boost for your insight in Bible prophecy!

Dear Pastor…

 What was the secret of all those churches in New Testament times? In worship they were in touch with Heaven; in love sacrificial; in outreach dynamic; yet they had neither ‘pastors’, nor pulpits! How come?