The apostle Paul in 1 Cor. 6:9-10 mentions the people you’d find in a cross section of Corinthian society. His list of ten doesn’t make nice reading. God’s Kingdom has not yet dawned on these lives. The first five describe sexual immorality, that is if we take idolatry to include the temple prostitution that was rife. Of these five, two are forms of homosexuality. There were a lot of Jews in Corinth, and on the whole they would have nothing to do with the Gentile abominations. But the rest of Corinth would hardly bat an eyelid. Indulging in these things was no more than anyone’s private choice of “life-styles”. Of course, if you were caught in a robbery, your head might be off, but for the rest…, society was very permissive.
But what about that new sect that had arise...
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