Answers for Workers


The Exchanged Life

What could Hudson Taylor have missed? Though converted in a Methodist home, and later a zealous missionary to China, his experience of struggle-defeat-struggle-defeat-struggle… (in common with most Christians) seemed to be insurmountable. But then he discovered the secret! And, of course, he just had to share it with his dear sister…

Spiritual Effectiveness

Too many Christian workers are ineffective. For some this is a burden that gets them down, yet they do not really know where to turn. George A. Rice of Dublin, greatly used in Argentina, gives invaluable orientation. Shocking to the flesh it may be, yet the joyful way forward, bearing eternal fruit for the Master, is there… for every committed Christian.


What is that remarkable bond that sometimes develops among 2 or 3 Christian workers? We find Old Testament examples in David and Jonathan, and in Elijah and Elisha. In the New Testament, Paul’s bonding with Titus and Timothy is well-known.
Find out what the Gospels and Acts tell us about two of the apostles, and what the Risen Lord himself laid down as the one Golden Rule in John 21.

Heart Trouble? Ministry Trouble!!

Simon of Samaria and Balaam, son of Beor, had critical heart conditions, eventually getting “pierced with many sorrows”. Even though these men lived a long time ago, the problem hasn’t gone away! To the contrary, in our generation we are faced with an epidemic that is staggering. However, there is a sure and wonderful antidote – check it out!

Faith’s Simplicity

“Fundraising” is considered a top strategy for Gospel work, though, admittedly, a complex issue that can be pretty thorny. In contrast, Alex Hay highlights the NT principles as laid down by our Lord – they are simple, effective and far-reaching! Are they also practicable in the 21st century?

The NT Order

We have selected for you the beginning and the end of one famous book: “The New Testament Order for Church and Missionary”, by Alex. R Hay.It will help you to do two things: get your spiritual condition diagnosed! And then ‘count the cost’!

If I Had a Hundred Thousand Lives…

When a Pioneer Missionary Ruminates, Sit Up and Take Notice!

Ekballô – that Surprising “Cast Out” Verb

Demons are cast out of their host bodies, Satan is cast out of Heaven, salesmen are cast out of the temple, and God’s harvest workers are cast out of… what?

“Nest-Eggs” for the Antichrist?

The signs of the times are unmistakable – can a Christian afford to let things drift, and not really live for his Lord? Here is an urgent call, based on what happened in Acts chapter 4.

Blows Can Turn into Blessings!

Isn’t God’s work bound to suffer when coming under fire? Or could there be a divine purpose in diabolical persecution? Can persecution be turned to advantage? How to pray for persecuted Christians? Is an “underground” church really a “proper” church? What is it God is after? Find out as you travel from Sudan to Philippi, to Samaria, to Rome, to China, to Emmaus, and on from there…

The Release of the Spirit

by Watchman Nee

It seemed a shame, but the woman’s alabaster flask had to be broken. It was the only way for the exquisite fragrance to be released. Watchman Nee uses this Gospel story to point out convincingly what really is the sense of the “brokenness” the Bible speaks about. It releases the Holy Spirit’s fragrance that is right there in the reborn spirit of the believer. These ten timeless chapters, once understood and applied, have the potential to reshape any believer into a true servant of God.

The Normal Christian Worker

 by Watchman Nee

Ten talks delivered by one worker to his colleagues in Gospel work in China have become a most valuable tool in the hands of God to mold thousands of other workers through many years now and in many languages.
It still does happen that a Christian seeks to be part of a team of ‘workers’ involved in ‘church-planting’. Now, in the 21st century, what are the really important issues to be faced?
In twelve short chapters we have highlighted a number of issues, all dealing with how to avoid the many pitfalls, and be a true New Testament worker! The Lord’s grace is all-sufficient, even in the 21st Century!
 BW mannetjes

Dear Pastor…

What was the secret of all those churches in New Testament times? In worship they were in touch with Heaven; in love sacrificial; in outreach dynamic; yet they had neither “pastors”, nor pulpits! How come?

Islam and Europe

Islam’s history in Europe is one thing. What about Islam’s present invasion of Europe? Is God waiting for an answer from you?